Saturday, December 16, 2006

Only one instance

Usually each time you launch an application a new instance is created, but sometimes is not desired to have more than one instance running. There was no way to force only one instance using Lazarus/fpc and was some discussion in the maillist the best way of implementing it (using mutex, file locking etc). I had a different idea: how about to use simpleipc, a IPC mechanism which comes in fpc?

So i started to implement such component based in simpleipc. First i searched how the Delphi programmers resolved this problem. I found two open source components TRunOnce and TInstanceControl. Both uses a file mapping technic which is win32 centric, so without use for me and i already had another idea. But i learned with them that the best place to do the implemantation is inside the Loaded procedure which is called just after the components are streamed and before the form is show.

The algorithm is pretty simple: a client (TSimpleIPCClient) checks is there's a corresponding server (TSimpleIPCServer) running, if so (a instance is already running) notify the server (the running instance) and terminate the app, otherwise it means that is the first instance so init a server and let the program go.

The next step was a little more difficult: how to pass the command line arguments to the second instance. I had 3 options:
  • Pass the cmdline as is and let the receiver (server) parse it. Not good since the parsing of the command line is not so simple and probably platform dependent
  • Pass each argument (ParamStr(x)) separately. It was considered but, in the server side, i needed a way to tell that the argument passing was starting (to set the length of the array), than pass the parameters itself and finally notify that the arguments finished (to fire the event). I could do that passing special chars as markers or with numerical values in the beginning of the stream. Definitely an overkill.
  • Create an easily parsable string with the parameters in the client side and then send once. The chosen one.
To the tests. Aside from a bug of the style for x:=1 to y do; everything worked fine. Only one annoyance: the form was being show in a few instants before it was killed. So, looking at TApplication.Run i found a ShowMainForm property and voila: no flashing form.

The results can be found here

Delphi is far away from Lazarus/fpc, no doubt, but this is an example that some problems can be resolved cleaner and easier with the open source solution.

PS: more difficult than write the component is creating a icon for it. And the result... LOL


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I'm really interested in using your UniqueInstance component. I have two questions about it (maybe for in the FAQ as well).

1) Does UniqueInstance run on OS X, e.g. have people successfully used it there?
2) Does the SimpleIPCServer method require a network card for it to work?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Luiz Américo said...

>1) Does UniqueInstance run on OS X, e.g. have people successfully used it there?

I don't know since i don't have a osx machine to test. None reported success nor failure. If simpleipc is implemented under OSX it should work.

> 2) Does the SimpleIPCServer method require a network card for it to work?

No. SimpleIPCServer uses named pipes to comunicate between applications under unixes. I not sure how and if works under OSX but surely does not rely on specific hardware.

To test the uniqueinstance just compile the testraw program available in the latest package release (v0.2)

Unknown said...

Will UniqueInstance work with the latest build of Lazarus. I have tried installing the package and the component is still not install

Luiz Américo said...

I Just tested with latest Lazarus (Lazarus 0.9.27 r21322 FPC 2.2.4 i386-win32-win32/win64). Try using the svn version:

Unknown said...

Hello -
This is potentially very useful. However, both the stable 0.2 version and the SVN code can fail on my Redhat Server 5.5 x86-64 bit version.
1.) The crash application button does not crash the program with Lazarus - the 1/0 returns the value +Inf rather than crashing. To make it crash you can do i := 1 div 0; where i is an integer.

2.) While the code works with the graceful crash described above, it does not work if I open up System/Administration/SystemMonitor and select EndProcess. In this case, the pipe /tmp/tuniqueinstance_test0.1 is not destroyed and one can no longer start the testinstance executable (until you rm /tmp/tunique*

Luiz Américo said...


I'm aware of this problem and in long term the best way to fix it is to use DBUS instead of SimpleIPC. Recently i tried to see a solution using shm but did not finished the research. I' would be glad if you could help me to find a solution.

Unknown said...

Here is my attempt. The good news is that the program does not freeze. This code will not update if a program crashes until a reboot of the machine. This is not ideal, but is an improvement WRT your code that never automatically updates after a crash. One bad apsect of my code is that I think it is Unix only.


unit sharemem;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
// call CreateSharedMem when an application is created and CloseSharedMem when a program is closed
// along with NInstances, these functions return the number of concurrent instances.
// if a program crashes, the values may not be reset until the next reboot

BaseUnix,Classes, SysUtils, ipc, dialogs;

function CreateSharedMem: integer; //returns number of instances after including this one...
function NInstances: integer; //returns number of instances
function CloseSharedMem: integer; //returns number of instances after after this one closes


TIntBuffer = Array[0..6] of longint;
PINtBuffer = ^TIntBuffer;
SegSize = sizeof (TIntBuffer);
fshmid: longint;
gShareIntBuf: PIntBuffer;
segptr : Pointer;

function CreateSharedMem: integer;
key : Tkey;
new: boolean;
const ftokpath = '.'#0;
key := ftok (pchar(@ftokpath[1]),ord('S'));
fshmid := shmget(key,segsize,IPC_CREAT or IPC_EXCL or 438);
If fshmid=-1 then begin
//showmessage('Loading existing memory.');
new := false;
fshmid := shmget(key,segsize,0);
If fshmid = -1 then begin
showmessage ('Shared memory : Error !'+inttostr(fpgeterrno));
else begin
new := true;
//showmessage ('Creating new shared memory segment.');
gShareIntBuf := segptr;
if new then
gShareIntBuf^[0] := 1
gShareIntBuf^[0] :=gShareIntBuf^[0] + 1;
result := gShareIntBuf^[0];

function NInstances: integer;
result := gShareIntBuf^[0];

function CloseSharedMem: integer;
//returns number of instances after this application quits
gShareIntBuf^[0] := gShareIntBuf^[0] -1;
result := gShareIntBuf^[0];
if Assigned (segptr) then
shmdt (segptr);
if result < 1 then begin //last running instance - close shared memory
if shmctl (FShmId, IPC_RMID, nil) = -1 then
Showmessage('unable to release shared memory');


Anonymous said...

Hi all,

I was using this code and I found the problem descripted (e.g when you press crtl+c --> because I am trying to apply it over a console soft), after that you have 2 options

1)Reboot your PC.

2) recompile it with another name


Please, do you have any news about this little bug ?

I Hope you can see this message, because i couldnt find another good option.

I've downloaded your source from SVN. But I think there is not new updates available.

Best Regards,


Unknown said...

Just wanted to say, thank you for this component.
Good that CodeTyphon has it preinstalled.

Jonathan Annett said...

ideally this logic should happen BEFORE the main form is created and resources are loaded/streamed into memory, so perhaps a simple function call as the first line of the project source would be more appropriate?